Name and Purpose
Section 1.
The name of the organization shall be the Smoky Mountain Junior Branch of CISV International, Inc.
Section 2.
Affiliation CISV
Smoky Mountain JB is associated with the Smoky Mountain CISV, Inc., which is part of the United States Association of CISV, and also part of the International Association of CISV. CISV is an independent, non- political, non-profit, non-religious volunteer organization promoting peace education and cross-cultural friendship.
Section 3.
The purpose of JB is: – To further the purposes of CISV
Smoky Mountain, USA, and International. – To promote national and regional JB cooperation. – To build relationship with like-minded organizations and the community. – to provide a welcoming environment that would stimulate chapter growth – to encourage continued involvement of the JB members through social and service activities – To help develop leadership skills in our JB members. – To promote peace through and understanding by building cross-cultural relationships through respect for and acceptance of differences.
Section 1.
JB members must be 11 to 25 years old.
Section 2.
Voting Privileges:
To receive voting privileges at membership meetings, CISV JB Smoky Mountain members must have attended at least 3 JB activities during the past year.
Membership Meetings
Section 1.
Membership Meetings
CISV JB Smoky Mountain membership meetings are to be held in conjunction with the CISV Smoky Mountain Chapter Meetings in the spring and the fall. Additional JB membership meetings may be held at the discretion of the Local Junior Representative(s). Voting by JB members shall be in person. Absentee or proxy votes are not permitted.
Junior Branch Board
Section 1.
Board: There shall be a governing board of no more than
A. The executive member of the board shall be called the Local Junior Representative
B. The Board shall have three non-executive members. The Non-executive members shall be Secretary, Treasurer and Historian
Section 2.
JB Board Meetings will be once each month excluding the month of July. The JB LJR should notify the board of the meeting schedule. The JB Board Meetings are open to all active JB members.
Section 3.
A. Elected Board Members shall be elected annually by majority vote at the spring general membership meeting. The JB Advisor and the Outgoing LJR should run the elections.
Section 5.
Special Board Meetings
A. Special meetings may be called by LJRS at their discretion.
Section 6.
A. The JB Board votes when needed, and the vote is conducted by the current president. All members of the JB Board, members are entitled to one vote. Votes are conducted on matters at the discretion of the LJR
B. To pass a resolution, votes must receive 50% +1
Section 7.
Resignation or Removal
A. Should any member of the Executive or Expanded Junior Branch Board wish to resign, or if any member is not serving effectively in their position and a removal is needed, it will be brought up at a Special Board Meeting and run by the Junior Branch Advisor.
B. Should any member wish to resign, it is necessary that they do so to the entire JB Board. A written resignation is required, and the filling of the vacated position shall be dealt with in Article IV, Section 8.
C. For the voted removal of any member of the JB Board, it must be done so in said member’s presence, with a “super-majority” vote needed (a Super-Majority being unanimous, minus a single vote). The JB Advisor will conduct the vote, and the JB Board must be at least two-thirds (2/3) present.
Section 8.
Filling a Vacated Position
A vacated position may be temporarily filled by an appointment from the JB Board. This appointed position would serve until the next membership meeting where the entire Junior Branch will elect a new person.
Positions and Duties
All Officers and other Board Members attend all Junior Branch Meetings.
A. Junior LJR (officer) The Junior LJR must be in high school and ideally a sophomore or Junior. The Junior LJR assists the LJR in his/her duties and responsibilities and serves as a fill-in LJR whenever the LJR is not available. The Junior LJR shall attend the Adult Board meetings with the JB advisor.
B. LJR (officer) The LJR of the JB must be in high school and ideally a Junior. The LJR is in charge of the JB, runs JB, and JB board meetings. The LJR shall play an integral role in the planning of meetings and shall also be responsible for the delegation of tasks. The LJR shall work with the NCLD (National Committee for Leadership Development) Liaison to the Smoky Mountain JB. It shall also be stipulated that the LJR shall attend NBM (National Board Meeting) and NJBOT (National Junior Board of Trustees) retreat. The Smoky Mountain Chapter shall reimburse the LJR for the said costs. If the LJR is unable to attend either of these events, a proxy will be sent in their place. The first choice for proxy shall be the Junior LJR.
C. Secretary (officer) The Secretary should be in high school and basic math skills are highly recommended. The Secretary is responsible for all contact information, all minutes for meetings, and all communications. The Secretary serves a one-year term.
D. Treasurer (officer) The Treasurer should be in high school. The Treasurer is responsible for all financial aspects of the JB, including preparing and tracking the JB budget. The Treasurer must keep accounted all money brought in and spent by the Junior Branch of Smoky Mountain. The Treasurer serves a one-year term.
E. Historian (officer) The Historian can be any JB member. The Historian takes pictures and documents all JB Smoky Mountain Events. If the Historian cannot attend an event, he/she must assign a fill-in. By the end of the term the Historian must have compiled a media display in scrapbook, PowerPoint, or in another similar format. The Historian must attend board meetings. The Historian serves a one-year term.
F. Past-LJR (Informing member) The Past-LJR would ideally be a high school senior. The role of the Past-LJR shall be to act as a mentor to the new JB board and President. The Past-LJR should be in contact via email and telephone. The Past-LJR plays an important role, but as an ex-officio member has no vote at JB Board Meetings. The Past-LJR serves a one-year term.
G. Junior Branch Advisor (Advisory member) The Junior Branch Advisor must be at least twenty-five (25) years old. The Advisor’s primary responsibility is to work as a liaison (along with the President) between the Adult Board and the Junior Branch Board. The Advisor works with the JB Board to help run the Junior Branch, in all aspects where an adult is needed. The Advisor also serves as a chaperone, when needed. The JB Advisor is appointed by the Adult Board President. In the case that the Advisor is not satisfying the needs of the JB, a written complaint on behalf of the JB Board should be submitted to the Adult Board, and a suitable replacement should be found post-haste.
Policy and Amendments
Section 1.
The Policy Manual:
Any Junior Branch Member may suggest changes to policies that are made by the Junior Branch Board. Policies are made by the Junior Branch Board, kept track of by the Secretary, and kept in a document supplementary to these By- Laws. Any policy may be amended by the JB Board (by a vote) after being examined. Any Junior Branch Member may suggest changes to be made on policies.
Section 2.
The Bylaws:
Bylaws may be amended by the LJRs at the majority
consent of the board. Changes may be made in omnibus legislative packages and specific one-time changes. In the event of a change bylaws should be changed by amendment rather than by changing these, the “ARTICLES” of the bylaws or any of their subsequent sections.
Dissolution of Junior Branch
Section 1.
All you need to know.
Junior Branch should cease to be organized and effective
as judged by its members, it will dissolve. Its membership shall become proprietary information of Smoky Mountain Chapter, and its financial resources shall be transferred into the trust of Smoky Mountain chapter under separate accounting from the chapter’s primary endowments. In the event that the JB reforms itself, pending six-month adult review, their capital resources shat fall under the control of the LJR (executive member) or equivalent member of the future boards.