We are still seeking participants for our programs this summer. Click the destinations below for more info on our website about each program. You can also find the full list of invitations here.
Village in Trondelag, Norway
June 27 – July 24
Seeking boy and girl delegates aged 11 years old
Village in Belo Horizonte, Brazil
July 5 – August 1
Seeking boy and girl delegates aged 11 years old
Youth Meeting in Miami, FL
June 26 – July 10
Seeking boy delegates aged 12-13 years old
Youth Meeting in Ostersund, Sweden
July 11 – July 25
Seeking boy delegates aged 12-13 years old
Fortnight in Connecticut
June 27 – July 10
Seeking boy and girl delegates aged 16-17 years old
We are still taking applications for leaders aged 21+. They must attend LLT and NLT in the sections mentioned above.
Please contact smokymtncisv.program@gmail.com if you know someone who might be interested in participating.