Information current as of 12/21/21
Training will be online and shortened in person sessions with smaller more regional training sessions. The idea is that trainers will come to chapters and that they will take place within 2 hours of driving. They will be Saturday’s from 9am-5pm with no overnights needed. Training will be in April and March – final dates are TBD. New leaders, staff and JC’s will need to go to the in person one day training. Leaders with previous experience and Seminar Camp participants will participate in online training. The costs for in person training and online training have NOT been finalized but it will be around $140 for in person and $30 for online.
International is offering the following online trainings:
As this is the last edition of Member News of 2021, a reminder that the deadline to register for a series of virtual organizational trainings is Saturday, 8 January 2022.
The series includes:
- Motivation, Engagement and Retention
- Strategic Planning,
- Integrating JB to Benefit Chapter Growth and
- Financial Planning.
There are three date/time options for each topic.
Register here. You will need your CISV ID ( to register for the training sessions. If you do not have one, you must register on myCISV first. Instructions on how to do this can be found on our website: