CISV educates and inspires action for a more just and peaceful world.
It’s like a Fun Day but longer and more fun! This is a very important event you won’t want to miss!
During the first hour following drop-off, we will offer an opportunity for parents to gather, discuss summer programs, share best practices and lessons learned from those who have sent travelers in previous years, share information on volunteer opportunities to help when we host village this summer and generally have an open discussion/Q&A. This would be a great time for anyone interested in CISV to learn more, so feel free to bring friends, parents of potential travelers, etc.
Please let us know if you are able to chaperone, check in/out children, help with interviews, or help with food/snacks.
Program applicants should make plans to attend the overnight and minicamp.
You can find the updated link to RSVP at this link: