CISV educates and inspires action for a more just and peaceful world.
Order of Events:
12 – 12:30pm- Set Up
12:30 – 1:00pm- Arrival
1:00 – 2:00pm- Presentations (1pm-2:30pm on Zoom)
2:00 – 2:30pm- Small group/family swim
2:30 – 3:30pm- All swim
3:30 – 4:00pm- Clean up
For presentations:
We will ask delegations some questions for a 5-10 minute presentation on their program.
Examples below:
Camp location and Theme
Fun Fact they learned while there
Most difficult or challenging activity at camp
Favorite traded or coveted item
What light bulb moments/realizations they had while at camp
Something they wished was handled differently
Something they loved/will treasure from camp
Why do they want to do another CISV program
Zoom Info for those that can’t make it:
Meeting ID: 885 3848 3005
Passcode: 077487
Or call 929-205-6099 to join by phone
A Google form will be sent in the next few days. Please fill out to streamline this event. Will need 6 Volunteers to help as facilitators in small groups, sign up on the next email.
Our Chapter can pick up another Youth Meeting to Hamburg, Germany from Dec 27, 23-Jan 4, 24. Ages 12-13. Any interest?
Reach out to your friends, Openings are available for Village to Sao Paula, Brazil Dec 27, 2023 – Jan 18, 2024.
Think about Volunteer commitment for this year. Board positions, mosaic, committees, etc.
Contact Julie Jones with any questions