February Board Meeting

Topic: CISV Smoky Mtn Board Meeting *Updated* Time: Feb 20, 2025 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system. Monthly: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/tZUtdeiuqz4iHNShbXWSLcC-tiuKLXNDuIe6/ics?icsToken=DD7R0SJ-hlP71b-2lQAALAAAAIPsY_BrZrqjH-PmRH83CFObZfhWAjM3zJmu_785gkXNm5LDSoM6SeDzYt_4XvWIKOTtmt_eC_Aeww4RkzAwMDAwMQ&meetingMasterEventId=13zEMzDkQUqO-Vy19uLvFw Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81021655860?pwd=ebwCZSJbObbaKkn2ZhuwvIT43Zal1W.1 Meeting ID: 810 2165 5860 Passcode: 612026 --- One tap mobile +13017158592,,81021655860#,,,,*612026# US (Washington DC) +13052241968,,81021655860#,,,,*612026# US --- Dial…

60th Anniversary & Reunion Event

This year marks our chapter's 60th anniversary. To celebrate we are planning a fun event to commemorate the milestone. We would like former and current members alike to attend this reunion event! Check back here for more information at a later date. You can read a little about our history here.

Fun Day / Selection Overnight

It's like a Fun Day but longer and more fun! This is a very important event you won't want to miss! During the first hour following drop-off, we will offer an opportunity for parents to gather, discuss summer programs, share best practices and lessons learned from those who have sent travelers in previous years, share…

Local Leader Training (LLT)

This year Local Leader Training will take place virutally. This is a mandatory prerequisite training to attend in-person National Leader Training. Every leader, staff, JC, Fortnight, and Seminar Camp participant must attend one of the following virtual phase 1 training sessions: March 1-2; start time 10 am; Saturday (6 hours); Sunday (4 hours) March 8-9; start time…

Delegation Celebration and Parent Training

Join us 2pm - 4pm at the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church on March 9th to celebrate the delegations participating in programs this year. This meeting is also important for parents to attend for the mandatory parent training required to participate in a program.

March Board Meeting

Topic: CISV Smoky Mtn Board Meeting Time: Mar 26, 2025 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Every month on the Third Wed, 8 occurrence(s) Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system. Monthly: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/tZUtdeiuqz4iHNShbXWSLcC-tiuKLXNDuIe6/ics?icsToken=98tyKuGprjkrHNGQuB-HRpwcAojod-7wmCVHgo1ulB3dNBN_YSC7IutXGZ5HPvzF&meetingMasterEventId=13zEMzDkQUqO-Vy19uLvFw Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81021655860?pwd=ebwCZSJbObbaKkn2ZhuwvIT43Zal1W.1 Meeting ID: 810 2165 5860 Passcode: 612026 --- One tap mobile +13017158592,,81021655860#,,,,*612026#…

Mini Camp

Save the date!  Registration information coming soon.  Check back here soon for the registration link. All program applicants should attend.

April Board Meeting

Topic: CISV Smoky Mtn Board Meeting Time: Apr 16, 2025 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Every month on the Third Wed, 8 occurrence(s) Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system. Monthly: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/tZUtdeiuqz4iHNShbXWSLcC-tiuKLXNDuIe6/ics?icsToken=98tyKuGprjkrHNGQuB-HRpwcAojod-7wmCVHgo1ulB3dNBN_YSC7IutXGZ5HPvzF&meetingMasterEventId=13zEMzDkQUqO-Vy19uLvFw Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81021655860?pwd=ebwCZSJbObbaKkn2ZhuwvIT43Zal1W.1 Meeting ID: 810 2165 5860 Passcode: 612026 --- One tap mobile +13017158592,,81021655860#,,,,*612026#…

Spring Chapter Meeting

Save the date for our Spring Chapter Meeting! *Please note the date has been moved from its original save the date!* More information to come.

National Leader Training (NLT)

NLT Dates and Times: May 3 @ 9am - 5pm May 4 @ 9am - 3pm All leaders, JC, and staff must attend National Leader Training in person (Seminar training is separate here). We are hosting again this year so the training will be held locally! Link to information and registration NLT Spring 2025 Registration - CISV USA