May Board Meeting

More information to come! Check back here closer to the date.

Forms Due

Complete Health and Legal Forms

Delegation Sendoff and June Board Meeting

Join the JB at Main Event starting at 6pm on Thursday, June 16 for a sendoff event for our travelers. Play some laser tag, go bowling, play in the arcade, and eat some pizza to celebrate. Attendees will have 2 hours of Unlimited Play. Traveling delegates and JB members welcome! Help the JB achieve their…

July Board Meeting

Join us for our July board meeting on Zoom! Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 858 1465 1395 Passcode: 441816 One tap mobile +19292056099,,85814651395#,,,,*441816# US (New York) +13017158592,,85814651395#,,,,*441816# US (Washington…

Delegation Debrief and Party

All participants in 2022 programs and their families are requested to join us for a party and debrief to let us know how programs went and how things can be improved! We have reserved the Andover Place  Clubhouse from 1pm - 4pm and there will be a pool with lifeguards provided - so bring your…

August Board Meeting

More information to come! Check back here closer to the date.

2022-23 CISV Smoky Mountain Board and Volunteer Retreat

The board will have a retreat to discuss the upcoming year and Youth Meeting on Sunday, September 18 from 6pm - 9pm at 821 Lindenhall Circle, Farragut, TN 37934 Please plan to bring an international beverage of your choice to share. Appetizers will be provided. It will be a working session so feel free to…

Planner Training

Registration is open for this mandatory virtual workshop for all 2023 Program Planners. Visit CISV USA's page to find out more and to register. Please register by September 15. 10 AM – 4:00 PM ET on Saturday, Sept 24 10 AM – 2 PM ET on Sunday, Sept 25 Questions?  Contact Valerie Maurais,

International Peace Day – 1,000 Cranes

Join CISV Smoky Mountain and Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance (OREPA) as we celebrate International Peace Day by folding 1,000 origami cranes in honor of the day. If you don’t know how to fold cranes, someone will teach you! Stop by to fold 1, 10, 20, 30.. or more cranes! Free t-shirt if you make…

CISV USA Photo Contest

Help win money for our chapter by participating in this year's photo contest! Submit your best pictures from 2022 programs for a chance to win up to $100 for the Smoky Mountain Chapter. This will also help build a library of photos that can be used by CISV USA and CISV Chapters to promote CISV…