Insurance Chair Responsibilities:
1. Thoroughly familiarize yourself with the Insurance Guide, found on CISV Central
under Documents. The Guide is updated regularly and provides a detailed
description and/or set of instructions for every responsibility of the Chapter
insurance chair.
2. Notify the program chairs in February/October/January of the need to obtain a Health
form and a Legal Information form from each participant. Forms can be downloaded
from CISV Central,, and Full instructions on proper
completion and distribution of the forms can be found in the Insurance Guide
(Section 2). Program chairs should return all completed forms to you by May
1/November 1/February 1.
3. Check every Health form and Legal Information form for completeness. If
information is missing, contact participants to obtain it. When all forms are
complete, make three copies of each form and then return the originals to the
appropriate Program Chairs to be given to leaders (their own and their delegates’),
JCs, Seminar Camp participants, and individual YM participants. Submit copies of
each form to the National Office by the June 1 deadline, either electronically (by
scanning and e-mailing) or on a CD. Instructions for correctly “bundling” the forms
prior to sending them to the National Office can be found on CISV Central in the
Insurance hub.
4. Provide CISV Travel Insurance: How to Start or Make a Claim and the CISV Travel
Insurance Starting a Claim flowchart to every participant.
5. Inform all participants of the CISV International Programme Basic Rules and the
CISV USA Travel Policy, which prohibit travel other than directly to and from the
program for Village, Step Up, and YM delegations.
6. Guide and assist your Chapter’s traveling participants, should they need to file claims
under the CISV Universal Travel Insurance policy.
7. Guide and assist the staffs of programs your Chapter hosts, should incoming
participants need to file claims under the CISV Universal Travel Insurance policy.
You can find many other helpful documents at CISV International’s Resources Page and their webpage dedicated to Travel Insurance here. Also, check out the Insurance Guide for Chapter Insurance Chairs from CISV USA. Here is an FAQ guide.