CISV is more than just an organization for youth.
Take a delegation of children to a camp in Brazil, and you’ll not only enrich the kids’ lives, but your own as well! By the end of the camp you will have met many exciting CISV volunteers and children from across the planet, and made friendships for life. In CISV you gain unforgettable experiences while volunteering.
But you don’t need to sign up to travel to have an impact. Working with our local chapter, gives you an opportunity to be a part of the global programs that CISV offers. Not only impacting youth in other places, but bringing that experience back home to our community as well. Our local chapter hosts events throughout the year that we need plenty of volunteers to organize — fundraisers, community service events, and local camps.
Participating in a CISV program is often just a start for families. Join your local chapter for year round offerings often include Junior Branch meetings, mini-camps, and projects and activities. The Mosaic program often involves events and projects in your community for the whole family.
Volunteering for our chapter is a way for adults and youth to make a difference. Volunteering for your chapter is rewarding as it’s usually something that parents and children can do together. You may make some life-long friends in the process!
Donating is a way to achieve our mission to educate and inspire action for a more just and peaceful world. Our chapter raises funds to host CISV programs and to provide local experiences in their membership and communities.