Members at Large, one each from the Knoxville area, the Maryville/Alcoa area, and the Oak Ridge area, shall:
- Perform such duties as shall be assigned by the President or Board of Directors.
- Assist the Vice Presidents of Communications and Programming in recruiting and public relations efforts.
More responsibilities include:
1. Attend the Annual Meeting & Conference/CISV In Motion held each October in
Cincinnati if possible.
2. Attend all Chapter board meetings.
3. Attend spring and fall general meetings, and assist as needed.
4. Become familiar with all aspects of CISV and be an ambassador for CISV. Get to
know as many CISV families as possible. Actively recruit new families to join CISV.
5. Encourage and solicit financial support for programs hosted by your Chapter.
6. Practice confidentiality regarding sensitive issues.
7. Maintain an appropriate level of communication with the membership via phone
calls, emails, newsletter contributions, etc.
8. Support CISV activities, board projects and events by attending, helping organize,
9. Keep receipts and turn in to the treasurer for reimbursement. CISV is a non-profit
organization, so always our sales tax number when purchases are made. No taxes
will be reimbursed
10. When appropriate, send thank you notes, notes of recognition, and sympathy cards.