Program Planner Role:
1. Complete and send Part I and Part II of the program Charter Application, including a
Letter of Intent from the site (if available) to the CISV USA National Office by April 1 and
August 15 of the year preceding the program.
2. Prepare and submit a program budget to the Chapter board for approval.
3. Report periodically to the National program chair, providing updated information on
the site, staff, plans, etc. Date changes must be communicated to the National program
chair and the National Office Immediately.
4. Negotiate a site contract in cooperation with the president and risk manager. Send
the contract to the National Office by December 1st of the year preceding the program.
5. In conjunction with your Chapter insurance chair, apply for a Certificate of Insurance
for the site. The Certificate of Insurance application is available on
6. Send the International Staff/Leader Application Form to all staff applicants, including
the director, whether those applicants are local Chapter members or from other
nations or CISV USA Chapters. Three International Reference Forms (RF-MIL) are
required for every applicant. Completed forms should be sent directly to the planner.
7. After receiving and compiling all application forms and references, make
recommendations to the Chapter board regarding selection. Notify all applicants of
the board’s decision.
8. If guest staff from another nation or CISV USA Chapter will be used, their National
Association (in the case of International guest staff) or home Chapter (in the case of CISV
USA guest staff) must give permission. The CISV USA National Office can assist with this
9. Develop a Memo of Agreement in consultation with the director, staff and Chapter
10. Send the staff Notice of Selection form to the National Office by February 1st.
You can find many other helpful documents like this at CISV International’s Resources Page.